Adoration Chapel

The Adoration Chapel is Open!

The Adoration Chapel was officially opened and dedicated on April 24, Divine Mercy Sunday. We are still awaiting three icons being written to enthrone the room. Registered parishioners may request an access card to come in and adore Jesus 24/7, contact the office for more information.


“You must propagate veneration of the Most Blessed Sacrament with all your might, for the devotion to the Holy Eucharist is the queen of all devotions.
– Pope Benedict XV

Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Survey and Plan


In February 2021, the Pastoral Council developed a parishioner survey to seek input and gauge the general interest and financial support of building a dedicated Eucharistic Adoration Chapel for our parish. On Saturday, March 20, all parishioners received the survey via Flocknote, the bulletin, and our website. Included with the survey was the simple drawing of the preliminary floor plan and the building cost estimate of $250,000. The survey closed on Good Friday, April 2, and survey results were compiled the week of April 5 in a detailed survey report.


Upon reviewing the detailed survey report, a final ‘Go’ or ‘No Go’ decision for this proposed project was discussed and voted on at the Pastoral Council meeting on Tuesday, April 13. Father Baxter and the Pastoral Council are pleased to announce the approval of the proposal to build a dedicated Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. An Ad Hoc Steering Committee will be formed to manage the project going forward. Stay-tuned for ongoing updates as we determine the next steps as the project progresses in the weeks and months ahead.


A summary of the responses to each survey question was provided in the April 18 bulletin. Attached below is the detailed survey report.


The detailed survey report includes illustrated charts, graphs, comments from respondents, and a comprehensive list of “Frequently Asked Questions.” The FAQs are listed into six categories:

• Parish Financial Condition and Church Building Maintenance
• Chapel Costs, Furnishings, Fundraising, and Building Timeline
• Chapel Access, Parking, Security and Restroom Availability
• Current Adoration Area vs. a Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
• Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Ministry Formation
• Catholic Grade School and Other Plans for Our Future

Answers are provided to each FAQ, so we encourage you to take time to review the detailed survey report to fully understand more about the discernment for the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, the survey results, and the ‘Go’ decision.
We wish to thank each of you who took the time to complete the survey and provide important feedback to Father Baxter and the Pastoral Council. If you should have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.