Preparing for a Funeral
We understand that preparing for a funeral is never an easy task for a grieving family. St. Patrick Church strives to do all that we can to be present to support grieving families. Below you will find the different options for each of the Mass parts. If you have any further questions please contact the parish office.
There are seven options to choose from for the Old Testament Reading. Please note that during the Easter season the Old Testament reading is replaced by a reading from the New Testament.
There are nineteen New Testament options to choose from. During the Easter season reading #1, 17, 18 or 19 will be used instead of an Old Testament Reading.
New Testament ReadingsUNIVERSAL PRAYERS
There are three sets of Universal Prayers (also known as the Prayers of the Faithful) that can used.
Universal PrayersMUSIC
If you have a family member or friend who you would like to see at the funeral, that is great. If not, you can contact our Music Director.
Music SuggestionsContact Music DirectorFUNERAL LUNCHEON
The parish provides salads and desserts while the family is only responsible for the main entree. Catering suggestions are included in the document below.
Funeral Luncheon