I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living.




Get involved at St. Patrick!

The parish continues to grow and there are many opportunities for everyone to get involved. Many hands make light work. Please consider attending or supporting any of the activities below or contact the parish office to volunteer for something else!


Beginning in September join fellow parishioners going deeper in our understanding of the Church



There are many opportunities to help support our parish with your musical talents! Find the right fit for you!



Fr. Baxter first met Fr. Ssonko in 2008. Learn how we can support the school and students in Busaabala, Uganda!



There are many ways that you can get involved. Find all of the ways your family can share your talent, time, and treasure here.


Interested in Becoming Catholic?

Or just learning more about the Catholic Faith?


Faith Resources

There is a lot going on in our world today.  Turning to the Lord in all things can help us to make some sense of it and find peace.  Check out these resources to grow in your faith.


The realities of a changing world call for new directions to strengthen parish life across the Archdiocese of Omaha.



The National Eucharistic Revival is a movement to restore understanding and devotion to this great mystery here in the United States.



The Catholic Voice is the digital media outlet for the Archdiocese of Omaha, spread across the 23 counties of northeastern Nebraska, serving more than 230,000 people.


The community of St Patrick is one of faith and commitment to the Lord.

We, the faithful community of St. Patrick, are using our collective gifts to serve the Lord and one another.  Through worship, faith, formation, education, and outreach we strive to be a sign of Christ’s presence in our community and the world.



The Mass is our most important prayer as Catholic Christians. The Church tells us that celebrating the Mass is the “source and summit” of our Christian life.


Saturday – 5 PM
Sunday – 8 AM, 10 AM, Noon

Rosary 30 minutes before each Mass


Monday – Morning Mass at 7:30 AM
Tuesday – Evening Mass at 6 PM
Wednesday – Morning Mass at 7:30 AM
Thursday – Morning Mass at 7:30 AM
Friday – Morning Mass at 7:30 AM


Morning Mass at 7:30 AM
Evening Mass at 6 PM

Holidays on weekdays – Morning Mass at 9 AM

Learn More

Saturday – 4:00-4:40 PM

If you are unable to come to confession at the scheduled time, please contact Father Baxter.

Learn MoreEmail Father Baxter

Traveling and don’t want to miss Mass?  Click below.


Building Access

Main East Entrance (Narthex) 
– Open Monday thru Thursday from 6 AM to 7 PM
– Friday from 6 AM to 4:30 PM
– Saturday from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM
– Sunday 6 AM to 1:30 PM

Weekend Masses Only:
– All church entrances unlocked half hour prior to start of Mass
– All church entrances except the Main East Entrance (Narthex) locked five minutes after Mass begins

Church Basement / Elevator – locked around-the-clock every day of the week
Conference / Meeting Rooms – available for limited use with the approval of office

Contact Office for Access Arrangements

Contact us

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What expectations do you have about Jesus? How do you picture His Second Coming happening. Peter expresses in todays Gospel how Jesus was not at all what he expected the Messiah to be like. Dont put Jesus in a box. He is far greater than anything you expect Him to be like!
Saturday Silly

Jesus asked Peter, “Who do you say that I am? Am I the Messiah?”
Peter responds, “Yeshua-a!”
St. Patrick Parish is excited to share the implementation of Cor, a new formation and fraternal opportunity for the men of St. Patrick Parish. Cor exists to form and strengthen Catholic men in faith and virtue as missionary disciples by drawing them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, and fraternity. The first meeting will be on Sunday, September 15, after the 7 PM Pro-Life Rosary. Come join your brother parishioners for prayer and fraternity.
Save the Date! We will be hosting a parish-wide garage sale again this year on October 19-20. We will NOT be receiving any donations until October 9. More information to come.
Is our praise of God for His benefit or ours? Do we pray and worship God to fulfill our needs alone or do we do it for His glory? Maybe we praise God for both reasons? God is worthy of our praise not only after we receive the healing weve been praying for, but in all times!

Jesus we ask you to open our ears to hear your word, to open our eyes to see you working in our lives, and to open our lips to proclaim your praise!

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What a beautiful picture of the church….Never seen it like this. Thank you ✝️


Saturday Silly

What did Jesus say after He healed the blind man?
Made you look!

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Like it….😊

Our Gretna Knights of Columbus do so much for the Church and for the community! Have you ever thought about joining this awesome community of men?

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If you were wondering what the Knights do, here is a list of activities that the Gretna Knights of Columbus support each year: Meals for Camp Coholo Gretna Days: - Beer, Bags, and Brats - Tractor Pull Concessions - Gretna Days Parade - Back to My Roots Concessions Don Simonin Golf Scramble Parish Breakfasts Villa Marie Paper Drive Blood Drives Intellectual Disabilities Drive and Collection Highway Clean-ups Oktoberfest Nativity Setup and Take Down Lenten Fish Fries Pro Life Banquet Council, District, Regional, and State Free Throw Contests One Rose - One Life Collection Pro Life Dinner Walk for Life Parish Groundskeeping/Mulching Project Knights of Columbus Track Meet Game Feed Knights of Columbus Scholarship Selection and Award Mother’s Day Breakfast Villa Marie Picnic Family Picnic

The Church dedicates the month of September to Our Lady of Sorrows, also known as Mater Dolorosa (Mother of Sorrows). This devotion recalls the Blessed Virgin Mary’s spiritual martyrdom in virtue of her perfect union with the Passion of Christ. This was her role in salvation history, and what merited her place as the spiritual Mother of all Christians. This is symbolized by a single sword, or seven swords, piercing Marys suffering heart, as foretold in Simeons prophecy. Traditionally the Church meditates on the Seven Sorrows of our Blessed Mother: the prophecy of Simeon; the Holy Familys flight into Egypt; the loss of the Child Jesus for three days; the meeting of Mary and Jesus as he carried his cross; Jesus crucifixion and death; Jesus sacred body taken down from the cross; and Jesus burial. The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows (Mater Dolorosa) is September 15.
We have many rituals and habits to prepare to have a meal with family and friends. But, what would we do to prepare for a meal with God? This simple question cuts to the heart of ones relationship with God. Do we prepare by removing ourselves from the dirt of the world? Or do we prepare ourselves by removing the dirt from our hearts? This week try praying a nightly Examination of Conscience, a review of the day and a prayer for forgiveness. See if this prayer heightens your thirst for Jesus in the Eucharist, better preparing you for the meal with God at Mass.
Saturday Silly

Do you know there were actually more than Ten Commandments?
Moses didnt scroll down the Tablets.
Villa Marie Home & School for Exceptional Children is a Catholic school serving students challenged with Down Syndrome, Autism, developmental delays, and other health impaired struggle located near Waverly, NE. Join us in supporting them!
We are in need of new volunteers for ALL weekend Masses. These positions include: Greeters, Lectors, EMHCs, Ushers, Sacristans, Rosary Reciters, and volunteers to take the Vocation Box home to pray for all Vocations throughout the week. If you feel called to help with any of these Liturgical Ministry positions, please contact the parish office.

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Do you feel a calling? Then Volunteer. God will truly bless you. ✝️

People walking away from the Catholic Church is not a new trend. We hear in todays Gospel: many of His disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied Him. (John 6:66) But do not despair, our God is a God of hope!

When life gets hard and we dont understand your Word, Jesus give us the conviction to stay, to continue to trust in your promises, and to be the guiding light that might just bring someone else back into the fullness of the faith. Thank you for gifts of faith and faithfulness to continue to follow you.
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