The liturgical life of the Catholic Church revolves around the Eucharistic sacrifice and the
seven sacraments. The purpose of the sacraments is to make people holy, to build up the body of Christ, and finally, to give worship to God
Welcome your new additon to the church family through
Prepare for the Sacrament:
– Recommended age: 0 – 3 months
– Register as parishioner
– Identify godparents, invite to baptism class
– Attend baptism class held second Monday of each month, 7:00 pm, Fr. Hitch room.
– Set baptism date
*If you have already had a child baptized at St. Patrick within the past two years and attended the baptismal class at that time, you will not need to retake the baptismal class.
**If you have taken a baptism class at another parish within the past two years, you will either need to provide documentation of having taken the class or attend the baptism class at St. Patrick.
brings about a change of heart through God’s mercy and forgiveness
Parishioners may learn about this sacrament through Religious Education in 2nd grade or through joining the Right of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Upon completing the necessary formation, the parishioner may receive this sacrament through regularly scheduled reconciliation times.
is the source and summit of our faith: it is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Children prepare for First Holy Communion in 2nd grade. After completing the sacrament of reconciliation, they are prepared to receive the most central sacrament of our faith. Adults may prepare for this through the RCIA program.
enables the faithful to be sealed with the Holy Spirit, strengthening them in their Christian life
Confirmation at St Patrick is offered in the sixth grade. After seven months of preparation, these youth choose for themselves to join the Catholic Church in full communion. Adults completing RCIA will culminate their program by being confirmed at the Easter Vigil.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONRCIAMarriage is a commitment to spend your lives together while assisting each other in getting to heaven.
Engaged couples must allow a minimum of nine months preparation time before the scheduled wedding date. However, couples most benefit from marriage preparation if their FOCCUS facilitation and retreat or workshop steps are completed six months prior to their wedding day. A wedding date will not be set until the preparation process is completed if either of you will be less than 19 years of age on the day you plan to marry.
If either or both of you have been previously married and civilly divorced, a written decree of nullity (annulment) is required prior to registering for marriage preparation.
Anointing of the Sick conveys graces and imparts strength in the Holy Spirit
Many of us make great efforts to avoid topics like grave illness and near death but when it concerns a loved one, this is the time to talk to Father or our Pastoral Minister. Whether it’s a frail, aging parent or a child facing serious illness, the blessing prepares your loved one.
Reminder: hospitals no longer identify Catholic parishioners of admittance due to HIPAA law.
Holy Orders
Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time: thus it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry. It includes three degrees: episcopate, presbyterate, and diaconate.