
For God so loved the world
that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.

John 3:16

St. Patrick Cemeteries

“Death, seen through the eyes of Christian faith, is not an end in itself.
It is simply a natural passage to eternal life with God.
Burial in a Catholic cemetery is both an expression of our faith and a statement of our continued hope of our own resurrection. These consecrated grounds hold the earthly remains of our family members and friends who have shared their love, fellowship and faith with us.”
Most Rev. George J. Lucas, Archbishop of Omaha


Holy Sepulchre Cemetery

Located 2 miles west of Gretna at 231st street and Schram Road, this cemetery is maintained by the Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Association. Both in-ground and columbarium niches are available to meet the needs of parishioners and our community.


Calvary Cemetery

In 1858, there were no Catholic cemeteries in Sarpy County when local resident Mary Thomas died. She subsequently was buried on the family farm, located near present day South 240th street. Other family members and neighbors were later buried there. Named Calvary Cemetery, but often referred to as the “Thomas Cemetery,” it is surrounded by private land to which St. Patrick Church was gifted an easement for access to this historic cemetery.

General Policies


The purchaser is responsible for having the grave shaped, excess dirt removed, and grass seeding completed after burial. The cemetery association is responsible for perpetual care of the grounds.

The cemetery association retains the sole right to plant or remove trees, shrubs, plants, or other landscaping at its discretion to maintain the appearance and/or for the operational needs of the cemetery.


The purchaser will mark the grave with only one (1) permanent marker, to be placed at the head of the grave. Monuments, inscriptions, and wording must conform to the current and future policies and regulations of the cemetery association. Flowers and decorations not in permanent receptacles attached to the monuments must be removed within 15 days.

Columbarium engraving will be standardized by the cemetery association. No items may be taped, wired, or otherwise attached to the columbarium niche fronts.

The cemetery association is not responsible for and does not warrant against damage to monuments, markers, vases or other memorization.


Opportunities are available to purchase statuary and meditation benches for the new Columbaria area and landscaping flora for the entire cemetery. Please contact for more information.


Pricing shown is for St. Patrick parishioners. Pricing for non-parishioners is $250 higher for all selections. Perpetual care costs are included in all pricing.  Prices subject to change.

Columbaria Niche – Single

Upper 2 Rows – $1,495
Lower 2 Rows – $1,295

Columbaria Niche – Double

Upper 2 Rows – $2,445
Lower 2 Rows – $2,145

Plot – Single

North – $700
South – $900
East – $1,000

Plot – Double

North – $950
South – $1,250
East – $1,400

Comparing In-Ground Burial to a Cremation Niche

To meet the growing needs of our faith community for inurnment in a consecrated space, the cemetery association also offers columbarium niche space. Below is a cost comparison between in-ground and niche burial.

In Ground Burial
Plot/Niche – $700
Open/Close – $475
Casket/Urn – $2,000
Permanent Marker – $2,250
Vault – $1,000
Total – $6.425

Cremation Niche
Plot/Niche – $1,295
Open/Close – Included
Casket/Urn – $275
Permanent Marker (plate engraving) – Included 
Vault – NA
Total – $1,570