Adult faith formation requires a unique approach, so that it can address the needs of all who are seeking to deepen their faith.
Women’s Faith Sharing
Every Friday
8-10 AM (Following Daily Mass)
Father Hitch Room
Content / Curriculum:
-Living Liturgy – review upcoming Sunday scriptures
-Selected spiritual books
-Combine discussion, prayer, hospitality, sharing, and fun
Men’s Faith Sharing
Every Friday
6:30-7:25 AM
Father Hitch Room
(Daily Mass at 7:30 AM)
Content / Curriculum:
-Read upcoming Sunday scriptures
-Discuss what it means to us
-Review Sunday Bible reflection from Dr. Scott Hahn
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
OCIA (formally RCIA) is the process by which non-Catholics enter the Catholic Faith. To become a Catholic, one must understand the teachings of the Church, believe in those teachings, and be a baptized Catholic. If someone was baptized but is not Catholic, they will also study the teachings of the Catholic Faith in OCIA.
-Classes begin in the fall
-Candidates welcomed into the church during the Easter Vigil
Adult Bible Study
Join parishioners in the fall and/or the spring for Adult Bible Studies from Ascension Press. Each season we do a new Bible Study, so click the button below for more information on the current Bible Study being offered.