The Chosen
The Chosen is a new television drama based on the life of Jesus Christ, created, directed and co-written by American filmmaker, Dallas Jenkins. It is the first multi-season series about the life of Christ, and season one was the highest crowd-funded TV series or film project of all time. The series’ creators stated that they had hoped to distinguish the new series from previous portrayals of Jesus by crafting a multi-season, episode-based story. The series portrays Jesus “through the eyes of those who met Him.”
The filmmaker was intent on creating The Chosen to be faithful to Scripture. In fact, three biblical consultants…a Catholic, a Jew, and an Evangelical…were engaged in the development and production process. The result is what the show’s Catholic consultant, Holy Cross Father David Guffey, described as an Ignatian meditation on the Gospels. While the three didn’t necessarily agree on everything, it was important to the Jenkins and the producers to hear from each of these faith traditions while scripts were written, and again after the episodes were done.
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Season 1
A charismatic fisherman drowning in debt. A troubled woman wrestling with real demons. A young tax collector ostracized by society. A religious leader questioning his faith tradition. Jesus came to call each and every one of us to inherit His Kingdom. You have read the Scripture, now see it come to life!