What Are You Missing in the Mass?
Whether you have attended Mass since you were young, or recently converted to Catholicism, or are curious about the Catholic Church, there is much that we don’t understand or miss when attending Mass. The main objective of this bible study is to heighten our experience of and participation in the Mass.

Elements of the Mass
Each session a different part of the mass is explained and highlighted. The main objective of this element is to ensure that we understand what is occurring, what the foundations are in scripture or the teaching of the church, and how we can participate more fully and faithfully.

Upcoming Sunday Readings
One of the best ways that we can prepare to participate in the mass each week is to review and reflect on the readings. Each session, the upcoming Sunday readings were explained and elaborated upon.

Sources and Facilitator
This study was faciltated by parishioner, Christa Pichler. She referenced Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), and many other sources to provide insights and education to help deepen our understanding of the Mass.

Session 1 – Before Mass and Entering the Doors
Session 2 – Catholic Calisthenics and More!
Session 3 – Preparing to Receive Jesus
Session 4 – Liturgy of the Word
Sesson 5 – The Homily
Session 6 – Liturgy of the Eucharist
Session 7 – Liturgy of the Eucharist
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Session 8 – The Sending Forth
slides coming soon!Additional Resources
Check out these other great resources!

Where do we find the Mass in the Bible? What is the relationship between the two? In ten beautifully produced lessons, Parousia: The Bible and the Mass answers these questions and more.

A Biblical Walk Through The Mass
This five-part program takes participants on an exciting tour of the Liturgy as it explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass and explains their profound significance. See, perhaps for the first time, why we say what we say and do what we do every week at Mass.

Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed
Altaration addresses head-on one of the biggest problems we all face: how do we get Catholic teens to appreciate the awesome beauty and mystery of the Mass…and to actually look forward to attending and participating?

USCCB: Rediscovering The Mass
Are you seeking to rediscover your friendship with Jesus? Haven’t been to Mass in a while and wondering where to start? Start by getting to know Jesus again through prayer. It doesn’t matter how long its been since you have been to Mass. You are always invited to encounter Jesus in the Mass.

Jim Caviezel – Warriors for Christ
Jim Caviezel surprised #sls18 attendees, encouraging them to be warriors animated by faith. Caviezel also spoke about starring in the movie “Paul, Apostle of Christ.”