…by hard work …we must help the weak, and keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’
Acts of the Apostles 20:35
Giving Options
We ask all parishioners to prayerfully consider their return to God and His Church through stewardship consisting of three equally important elements – Prayer and Presence, Gifts of Service or Time and Talent, and Financial Gift or Treasure. We are a tithing parish and recommend 5% of a family’s gross income go to our parish, 1% to the Omaha Archdiocese, and 4% to other charities of your choice.
Print out and return the completed form with voided check or savings deposit slip to the parish office, by mail, or in collection basket.
Set up account for automatic giving by checking, savings, or credit card. Manage the timing and amount of gifts or provide one-time donations for special causes.
Envelopes automatically provided on a bi-monthly basis upon registration unless the office is notified.
Cash accepted, however, to record contribution and include on end-of-year statement envelopes or checks required.